A review by ghostlydreamer
King Diamond Abigail by King Diamond, Rantz Hoseley, Damien Worm, Dan Watters


I write this as someone who, until this graphic novel adaptation, had never been formally acquainted with Abigail. I've heard King Diamond's music, but I never sat down and actually listened to it. As such, I was a bit hesitant in buying this because I wasn't sure if it would appeal to someone who wasn't already a fan. But as it turns out, there is plenty here to like for someone as ignorant as myself, especially if you're invested in gorgeous graphic novels that follow chilling tales of horror.

The story was easy to follow along, which is impressive considering I'm not familiar with the source material, and given that graphic novels are almost always a bit more simplified in their execution, since you can't fit a ton of dialogue in. The artwork was captivating. The characters had me intrigued. And overall, I really enjoyed reading this. The cover drew me in, and I'm glad I took a chance on this. It makes me hopeful that, one of these days, when I sit down and give King Diamond's music a grander listen, that I'll enjoy it and be able to see even more beauty in this adaptation than before.