A review by bookmarked642
Exposure by Kathy Reichs


Read this review on my blog: https://bookmarkedreading.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/book-review-exposure/

I know you're probably getting fed up of me reviewing every book in this series, so I'll (try to) keep this short.

Oh my God. This is definitely my favourite book in the Virals series so far. The Virals gang is drawn into yet more trouble, putting Tory and her new best friend in severe danger. Her relationship with Ben is wobbly, after the whole Gamemaster situation and his admission to certain feelings toward his packmate.

As usual, this book has the perfect mix or crime, problem-solving, adventure, humour, teenage input and a hell of a lot more. A strong 4.5 for this book! Can't wait to read the final book in the series, Terminal.