A review by wulfwyn
Psychodynamic Perspectives on Aging and Illness by Tamara McClintock Greenberg


I would like to say that I am not in the medical field. I have studied psychology in school. My mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. My dad is her primary caretaker. This review will be based upon my experience with it and if I benefited from it. I hope it will help you in determining how it fits with you.

When I saw this book offered for review consideration through BookTasters I was immediately interested. The mind and how it works with the body fascinates me. I wasn't certain how much I would get out of it. Textbooks have a tendency to be tedious unless you are in school. This book, though, held my interest. There are numerous case studies and an immense amount of research in it. I believe it to be very informative and useful. I was able to see many correlations between the case studies and family members, including myself. Does that mean I thought I could diagnose or treat anyone? NO. But it did mean that I could confidently say to someone that I believe they could benefit from seeing a professional and possibly work with one. It also left me with things that I will be looking for in my mom's treatment along with things to watch for with my dad. Being a caretaker when you are elderly is difficult no matter how much you love the person you are caring for. At the end of this book I was left with a new knowledge of how many physical illnesses are coupled with psychological issues. I was given information on how past psychological or physical trauma could have an affect on the elderly. This has led to a more sympathetic and patient outlook towards people I meet. In those ways I benefitted from reading this book. I didn't have a difficult time reading it, though I did look up a few things. I think that caregivers of the elderly could possibly benefit from reading this, as a way of understanding the population they are working with. The author presents theory, technique and medical science in easy to understand language. I found it to be immensely useful in understanding what my parents may be experiencing and how they could benefit from professional counseling.
The author provided an electronic copy for review consideration.