A review by minion2r
The Jewel by Amy Ewing


This was an enjoyable read for me. You can tell because I finished reading it in one day. But, I have high standards for my books and this just didn't get the prize. I'll probably forget the names, and the plot in a couple of weeks.

One problem I had with this book was the romance. It seemed forced, and just very sudden. Also, I didn't really like the main protagonist. She wasn't annoying or anything. I understood her predictament and pitied her but besides that there was nothing else. She was average, and had a pretty basic backstory. The author didn't make me relate with her in anyway besides the fact that she was being forced to carry another women's baby. I mean, don't get me wrong, that's disgusting and horrible but I wanted to relate more than just that.

The story was interesting, I'll give it that. I wasn't easily bored, but it didn't keep me on my toes, wondering what was going to happen next.

So while this book was enjoyable, it was average.

I want a book to push itself to its limits with its story plot and this book just didn't do it. It had a good worldbuilding idea, that was new and fresh and wasn't completely about boys but girls' freedom. But the author didn't use the story to its full potential. But hopefully, because I will still read the sequel, the author will surprise me. :)