A review by kayleigh_kbooks
Sacrifice of Passion by Melissa Bourbon


Sacrifice of Passion Review on K-Books

Wow, that is the first word that comes to mind when thinking of this book. Since I first heard of this book I instantly wanted to read it. I have worked with Misa before when reviewing books for other authors through Entangled Publishing but had never read any of her books before. This has completely had me thinking why haven't I read any of Misa's books before now? I was completely blown away with this book.

Vic is struggling with his day to day life. Trying to learn how to be a good Dad to his 11-year-old son he never knew existed. But when strange things start happening on his ranch and the only girl he ever loved, Delaney comes back to town things go from bad to worse. Can he figure out what is happening to the animals on the rance and be there for his son? And why do all these bad things seem to be pointing to Delaney. Can they work out their past and figure out the mystery surrounding the ranches, or are the destined to be apart forever?

I am still completely shocked by this book. When I started I was completely expecting just another normal contemporary romance book. This was all I was expecting and so much more. I couldn't put this book down! I couldn't believe the things that were happening and I was sat reading with bated breath wondering what could possibly happen next. Sacrifice of Passion has romance, mystery and danger. It is action packed and fast paced and sucks you in from the very first page and has you breathlessly waiting to see what's going to happen with these characters.

If I had to describe this book in one word it would be 'hot' I totally fell in lust... er... I mean love with Vic. Vic is HOT! I was swooning so much in every scene he is in, which is a LOT! He is the perfect man than everyone wants to be real. I could not get enough of Vic and I am really sad that I have finished this book because I am already missing Vic. I love him so much.

Delaney is another fantastic character that everyone will love. She's such a fantastic main character and although she is going through hell and suffering because of her past she is still strong and is determined to turn her life around and make it better. It's true that at times she really irritated me because of all of the secrets she was keeping from Vic. The one thing you want more than ever is to see them work things out and be together so you want to shake her a little and tell her to stop being stupid and talk to him. But as you read more and find out more about her secrets you really see why Delaney acts the way she does. Yea I loved her again by the end.

This book just totally blew me away and I already want to re-read it. I was completely blown away and Misa is now one of my favourite authors. I must read all of her other books. If you love books with action, romance and a hot heart-stopping hero this is definitely the book for you. It was completely phenomenal and I would recommend it to everyone!