A review by prationality
Educating Aphrodite by Kimberly Killion


I'll tell you the truth before I get into the review itself, I was fully ready to be very peeved with Alexandra around page 49 because she quite suddenly became missish. When the story itself is only 55 pages you may see why I got upset. However Killion, in a clever little trick, twisted it around so that instead of remaining peeved with Alexandra I forgave her. Also it explained some inconsistencies I felt.

I almost wish this was longer because the ending twist certainly left me wondering and wishing for more development. Regardless I found the use of hypnotism to be interesting--especially in regards to hypnotizing Alexandra to be more confident and sexual. She seemed almost two women--even as she protested everything Vincent (or Daphne) said to her, she couldn't help herself.

The 'education' of Alexandra was steamy as you could want. Whether its Vincent's course in how to talk dirty or Daphne's course in how to please a man with your mouth, Alexandra definitely was an apt pupil.

In hindsight, after the ending, a lot of small details that stood out to me made a lot more sense. Alexandra's inability to see her son, Daphne's seeming familiarity and position in the house that wasn't really in line with her professed job (as a servant) and even Sebastian's cool indifference to his wife. Like I said, Killion turns it around neatly and gives us a plausible explanation.

Definitely worth giving a shot!