A review by thea
Warcross by Marie Lu


rating: 4.5 stars! why didn’t i read this book sooner?

Everyone has a price. Name yours.

this review will be short and sweet — i’m restraining myself from reading the next book because i want to write a review for this epic, action-packed, well-crafted, and aesthetically beautiful book.

if you didn’t read the synopsis, emika chen is our protagonist and i admired her from the first chapters. she understood the struggles of being a poor bitch and yeah, she feels that familiar sadness that’s easy to lose oneself in, but she doesn’t let herself — at least not anymore. i admired her tenacity, her diligence, her carefree, adaptive nature and i’m so excited to see her again in next book to see what she’s up to because she’s such a driven character.

But sometimes, you find yourself standing in exactly the right position, wielding exactly the right weapon to hit back. So I hit. I hit fast and hard and furious. I hit with nothing but the language whispered between circuits and wire, the language that can bring people to their knees.
And in spite of everything, I’d do it all over again.

as she gets pulled from her cheap apartment in manhattan to the luxurious and exhilarating tokyo because she glitched herself into a warcross tournament, the readers are right by her side, awestruck at the power and creativity of neurolink and get caught up in the feverish rush and excitement of the warcross championship tournaments. i was gasping along with her, crying with her, and nervous for her as she met the creator of neurolink and warcross himself, mister hideo tanaka.

Hideo is quiet. His attention is now completely locked on me.
“I suppose chivalry isn’t dead,” he finally says.

hideo is on my simp list: a clean, fashionable, and polite genius that’s actually really passionate about the things he has a keen interest in (*cough* like emika *cough*). i severely enjoyed his scenes with emika — but maybe too much since i went to sleep at 5am, staying up just so i can read more and more. but don’t worry! i got 4 hours of sleep (which is better than nothing).

overall, here are some reasons to read this underrated book (don’t be like me!! just read it!! you don’t regret it):
1) emika chen has rainbow colored hair
2) the world of warcross is so exciting and it makes you yearn to be a part of this thrilling, competitive world
3) the plot is astounding. even when you’ve guessed some plot twists right, there’s another one sneaking up behind you, knowing you would go for the easier plot twists, and you’re left shocked and dazed but admiring the plot even more so
4) hideo tanaka. one of the most unique male characters i’ve ever read about. he’s a very interesting character and that’s all i have to say about him because you should just read it yourself!!
5) the romance. if you’re a big romance reader like me, then trust me, my fellow comrade, you won’t be disappointed. their relationship development isn’t instalove (thank goodness) but is naturally built up and blossoms into its own. also — not gonna lie — their romance is passionate and hot (IT’S STILL YA, DON’T WORRY) but phew. wow.

anyways, hoist this book up higher on your tbr because i sincerely say this with truth: it’ll be a book you won’t forget.