A review by katetheardent
Elite by Mercedes Lackey


The author really should have just made this book and the first into one book, the separation of the two just detracts from the series - I know trilogies are the big thing in the YA world right now but that doesn't mean you should force your books into being one (a trilogy that is). I'm feeling kinda lazy right now so I'm just going to touch on my biggest complaint.

Show don't tell, no joke the narrator (first person, main character) says something along the lines of "I won't bore you with the details" at least three times per book (I didn't count but it was something I noticed frequently while reading it). The author wastes so many opportunities to draw her audience in with beautiful descriptions of the hounds and othersiders and the universe in general it's sad. A universe like this deserves beautifully elaborated descriptions, not lack luster attempts at saving pages.

She describes the main character's original hounds as being very unique, colorful, and rarely seen and yet devotes so little description to them that as a reader it's nearly impossible to imagine them (and this is coming from someone with a hyperactive imagination). It's like the author forgot that yes although her main character who narrates knows what they and the world look like that the audience does not know.

I honestly don't even know why I read all of this book, I LOVE the concept for this universe but it's so poorly executed and unless Lackey completely changes her writing style for the third book (which let's be honest, is highly unlikely) it too will be highly disappointing.