A review by romanthiccreader
Hannaford Prep: The Complete Series by J. Bree


Look. Hear me out. I have absolutely NO idea why I liked this book so much. These are children. I repeat, children. I can't even remember if there were comprehensive trigger warnings, but that should be on the list if there are. Also, this is very dark. There are quite a few things that could make a trigger warning list. In saying all of this, I could not put this book down. 

I found this looking for a book with the bully trope. Boy, does this fit. I thought I was going to read the first book, and then maybe come back. The misogyny and homophobia made me think I was definitely going to not come back. Yet here I am, after having absolutely DEMOLISHED this 4 book series in 5 days. I did borrow the next book in this Mounts Bay world as well. But I couldn't start it right away. It took my partner and a friend to tell me that I need to take a breath and not start the next series. Which was good advice because I was going on vacation.

Again, these are children. 15/16 year old children starting high school. And these bullies are MEAN. But once they decide that they're not going to bully her, I love all of the chemistry. Somehow. Ugh. I feel duped. It really is dark. There's crime lords and assassins and wild manipulations. I've already mentioned the misogyny and homophobia that are rampant. This feels like it's covered under the umbrella of misogyny, but the slut shaming was on another level. A very intense level. And yet, I COULD NOT put this down. I couldn't put it down and I am absolutely going to revisit Mounts Bay at some point. It'll be my guilty pleasure, ok?!