A review by leahamyy
The Last Forever by Deb Caletti


I have absolutely fallen in love with this book. Deb Caletti is a wonderful author, but sometimes her books can be a little hit or miss. This one is a definite hit and has quite possibly taken the spot of my favorite Caletti book. Yeah, it's that good. I read it in about 6 hours just because I couldn't put it down.

I think I loved it so much because Tessa was so relatable, at least to me. It's like I was reading about myself. She could be really sensitive and then sarcastic, but all around just real and raw. Her emotions weren't exaggerated or crazily displayed. I felt everything she felt. I loved that she was a book worm just like me and I completely understand her point of view on things.

**spoiler starts here

I knew there was something weird about Henry. She always had to ask him to kiss her or hold her, yet he told her he loved her and acted so perfect. However, I definitely didn't see it coming that he was in love with Elijah. I didn't like Elijah from the start, but I thought his attitude was just the way he was, not because he was in love with Henry. But it makes a lot of sense.

Even though this book was slightly predictable in the sense that OF COURSE she's going to go put the seed in the vault, I loved how it happened and that she actually did get to go and preserve Pix. I think that was really good closure for her because she wasn't there for her mom when she died.

Everything in this book was insightful. I loved the real pain and loss but also the real love-the relationships Tessa was able to build with Henry, Jennie, and even Sasha and Larry. There were so many quotes that I took from this about life and loss in general.