A review by just_tosh
Life, Love, and a Polar Bear Tattoo by Heather Wardell


This was a free e-book offered by Barnes & Noble. I didn't have expectations for this book. It was free. I was pleasantly surprised. It was a refreshing read. A simple, straightforward plot. No complicated character backstory. It was a needed change after reading A Discovery Of Witches.

Candice and her husband Ian's marriage of two years has been a little rocky since his parent's death in a car accident eight months prior to the story's beginning. Their situation is complicated further when Ian leaves on a four week work assignment and Candice's first love hires her firm to design his new restaurant. In those four weeks, she learns a lot about her life, what she really wants from it and love.

The lack of defined scene transitions made the book difficult to read at times. You find yourself reading on scene and boom, something totally different pops up. I wondered if I missed something. It's nothing a good edit can't fix. I really liked Candice although she acted a bit immature at times. I believed she made the right decision in the end. This is clearly chick-lit so if you're not into this kind of novel, stay away.