A review by caylieratzlaff
The Sharp Edge of Silence by Cameron Kelly Rosenblum


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel. 4/5 stars. CW: Sexual assault, misogyny, toxic masculinity, r*pe culture

Whew. Okay, this one made me cry. I knew it was going to, but seeing Q work through her trauma and share the story multiple times and have people support her but also her rage, just her rage, was a lot to process and absolutely also needed in YA lit. While it does have three different POVs, they end up converging toward the end. I liked each individual storyline, but I also liked how it was tied together at the end and brought Q justice. I also like how Q's justice didn't out her as a survivor, but it still gave her (and others) closure.

This was a beautiful, yet harrowing, look at toxic masculinity. While it is set at an elite boarding school, the rhetoric of the situations presented can be found anywhere. This is a must read for how bluntly it discusses the topic, but it definitely needs to be read with awareness of triggers. Star deduction because some of it felt a tad unnecessary plot wise and could have been condensed (also, Q's gun plot....yet it was her rage but then it was never addressed...like surely they would have noticed a missing gun?!)