A review by ekeithley09
Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey



And once again....even more proof as to why you stick things out! And boy, do I love me a good enemies to lovers troupe. Hayden and Brent were fiery and full of intense passion...just the way I knew they'd be from meeting them in Story and Daniels book. The progression of their first encounter felt a little forced for book purposes, but everything else felt like natural progression overall.

I think the only thing I wished in the end was that there was a little more of a resolution between Hayden and her parents. Like he mom pushed her into an arranged marriage for business and money and she's just like "cool mom, still love you" in the end. I just couldn't decide if she loved her mom or hated her. If we were supposed to feel okay about her or dislike her. Things between Hayden and her dad felt a little more clear at least. But also, I wanted more context about the dynamic between Hayden's mom and dad. Like I get duty...but also, do they actually like each other. Divorce is okay guys....

I also felt a little weird about Brent's family situation. Like I think it would have made more sense if his parents were dead and not just "off in Florida" or wherever they were. Seemed like a lot of burden for him to shoulder when his parents should have been doing a lot of that. Maybe if they'd been estranged, but he seemed to imply that he had a good relationship with them, which just felt...weird.

That seems like a lot that I didn't like for a book I am give 3.75/5 stars too. But they really were minor details in a well told enemies to lovers book, that I swear took place in the span of like a week (I think romance authors need to get a little better on timing. No one gives up so many life plans for someone in that short of time).