A review by bookph1le
Welcome to St. Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure: A Graphic Novel by Lewis Hancox


I sometimes had trouble understanding this book because, as an American, the British slang was extremely hard for me to parse at times. That's totally fine, since I'm an American who understands that not everything needs to be/is about the United States.

Lewis's struggles are often harrowing. I was especially dismayed and angered by the difficulty he had in accessing gender affirming care, an issue that really pushes my buttons because gender affirming care is under constant attack in the U.S. It's so inhumane to deny trans people access to care because cis people have feelings about it. I am a cis person, and I'm here to tell my fellow cis people that how we feel is irrelevant. Trans people should be able to access the care they want and need without having to jump through a billion hoops to get it.