A review by candidcopywriter
The Princess Fugitive: A Reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood by Melanie Cellier


To be honest, I hated the evil Ava for her attempts to destroy Arcadia in The Princess Companion.[b:The Princess Companion|36562225|The Princess Companion (The Four Kingdoms, #1)|Melanie Cellier|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1510202918l/36562225._SY75_.jpg|48567822] I was even a bit unwilling to read a book in which she was the hero.
Once I picked up the book, however, I didn't regret it for a second. Transformative stories are my absolute favourite. The way Melanie Cellier makes you dislike Ava in the beginning, and then slowly but surely turns this dislike, first into pity for her terrible childhood, and then into respect and love for having the courage to change is truly brilliant.

I had never really understood or liked The Little Red Riding Hood fairytale, but this was a brilliant retelling that makes me want to replace the original forever in my mind. The best part about the book, for me, was that
the wolf is in Ava rather than an outside threat.

The villain in this book is both internal (Ava's internal demons) and external (her brother Konrad), and that's what endeared me most to the book.

I could go on and on, but I'd be revealing too much about the book :P. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars because it is the absolute best!