A review by vandana_onmyshelf
Bardess of Rhulon by Verna McKinnon


The story starts with Rose Greenleaf, a dwarf who lives in Stone heaven in Rhulon. She desires to be a Bard except the people in her village have dated notion of what a woman should and shouldn’t do and Rose should be no exception. Barely few months to turning eighteen (which is old and by this age woman would be married with a child on the way) her parents decide to marry her off to Simon who she is isn’t interested in. She runs of with a lute given to her by her Bard Master Belenus Aylecross towards Tirangle in the city of White Thorns in the hopes of getting into the Academy to become a Bardess.

On her way she meets lots of obstacles including kidnapping (by tall humans) but eventually she is slowly able to realize her dream when Prince Culain Ironheart, a friend of Prince Darius of Tirangle invites her to Sing for the latter's Betrothal. But dark forces are nearby. A changeling called Crimson and a goblin King Morziel has sinister plans for the Ironheart king and his family and his eyes are on Rose to help with his plans. What happens next and how does Rose manage to save the kingdom is the rest of the story.

I found the plot to be really good and the characters well sketched. Rose is a lovely character and her arc is amazing. I loved her spirit and her journey. The supporting characters Culain, Meg, Darius and Zulu and others too made their mark and were not at all stereotypical. The world the author has created is believable and the dialogue too is simple and sensible. Nothing stands out like a sore thumb in the book and the plot takes its time to unwind but in a good way.

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