A review by carolineroche
Raining Fire by Alan Gibbons


Another excellent book from Alan Gibbons. And sadly topical, as I write it on the day the first ever teacher in Britain has been killed in her own classroom by a pupil. Although this story isn't about that theme, it is about violence, guns and hopelessness. The hero - if hero he is - is caught in a trap. He lives on a dead-end estate, overrun with gangs. He wants something better, to escape the gangs, but finds himself inevitably drawn deeper and deeper into a world of guns and violence. This is a bleak subject - but Gibbons is unafraid to look the subject in the face without romanticising it. Despite the subject matter the book does give you hope - but not in a folksy, rose tinted way, but hope that people can rise above their circumstances. I loved it - and the boys in my school will too.