A review by arushofemotions
Between Now and Forever by Dylan Allen


This book! Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions! The prologue of this book anticipated an HEA, but the journey this author takes you on will make you want to pull your hair out, scream, and possibly even throw your Kindle.

Elisabeth is so so sheltered. Extremely naive and heartbreakingly forgiving. Most of the angst in this book is due to her family, not Carter. This girl desperately needed a best friend to help her out.

Carter is pretty damn perfect when it comes to him and Elisabeth. He has his own issues in life that steer him down different paths, but when it comes to him and "Beth" he's downright swoony.

This is one of those love stories that you want the HEA to SO BAD but it's a trilogy so you know there's more angst coming in the next 2 books. Thankfully they release relatively close to each other so we don't have to wait long!