A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Gwenpool Strikes Back #5 by Leah Williams, Judith Stephens, David Baldeón


"Gwenpool Strikes Back #5 concludes the chaotic Gwenpool’s latest run in series format. But that doesn’t mean that her story is over. Fans of the series and character have long held out hope that we’ll see her again. So this is a feeling we’re used to, and we’ll just go back to hoping we’ll see her once again.

Gwenpool Strikes Back has been a chaotic and fun series, one bursting with fourth-wall-breaking elements. That includes Gwen’s painful awareness of her fate should her series come to a true conclusion. It made for some painful moments (for the fans who adore her). But it also opened up the room for some frank discussions about comic book sales.

This is also a series that gave fans more opportunities to laugh and enjoy the character we love so much. Yes, Gwenpool is quirky and crazy. And we love her for it. So this issue is already a given for being bittersweet, since it forces us to say goodbye. Again."

Check out my full review over at Word of the Nerd