A review by maddiesreading23
The Right Move by Liz Tomforde


"But I spend a lot of your money."
"Someone needs to."
"And I'm messy. You don't like messy."
"I like your mess."
"And I'm needy. I have no idea how to be alone."
"Good. I don't want you to be alone. I want you to be with me ... Come home with me, Blue."

Just when I thought I couldn't love a couple more, enter Ryan Shay and Indy Ivers!
- best friend's brother
- fake dating
- roommates
- sports romance
- opposites attract
EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS PERFECTION! this is one of those books that had my heart aching, had me kicking and squealing, had me tearing up during the spice because the dialogue was simply that good - I could not put down, I was up until 2am reading because I so badly needed to know what was going to happen next, and if Ryan and Indy were going to make it through this book in one piece lol

"My home, my heart, all of it, is with you. There was never a moment of doubt for me, Ryan."

I need a Ryan Shay in my life so badly. He's so freaking wonderful, I love that he calls Indy 'Blue' and how hard he works to make sure she feels prioritised and loved, not just by him but loved by herself too; he never makes her feel small or like she's too much and I just adore that about him. HE LEARNED SIGN LANGUAGE SO THAT HE COULD BE THE ONE TO TELL INDY'S DAD HOW MUCH HE LOVES HER!? THAT ALONE SET THE STANDARD SO HIGH.

I love his relationship with Stevie, Zanders and Ethan. Seeing Ryan step into his captaincy and learn how to let people in, not just romantically like with Indy, but learning to trust people again and open himself up to letting people into all aspects of his life; seeing him become a better friend and leader was one of my favourite parts of his journey through this book.

I want you, Indy. I want us. I want our little life we've built even when we thought we were pretending. I want you in our house because you've made it a home. I want your mess and your chaos ... I want you happy, and I want to be the reason you are."

I love Indy so much! A love language fanatic is a girl after my own heart lol
She doesn't deserve half the shit she has been through - I wanted to read through the pages and punch Alex for ever having made her feel like she took up too much space, or was too loud, or not enough in any way. Indy's fertility and self-worth struggles is something I related too so deeply, I was rooting so hard for her throughout this book and I love seeing her learn to truly love who she is unapologetically, be loud and smart and proudly herself <3 and I love how protective she is of Ryan and how considerate she is with his heart, they truly complement each other so well in the ways they love one another.

I love her friendship with Stevie is so wholesome, I love that she is so considerate of making sure Stevie knows how much she cares for her and their friendship, and I LOVE the daily updates and how supportive Stevie is of Indy and Ryan's relationship, even with the drama of her past 'friendships'. Indy is such a good friend that her using Stevie is never once a doubt in anyone's mind.

As he pulls me in closer, I can't help but notice how well we fit together, how perfectly we mold even though we're opposites in every other way ... here, with him holding me, we don't feel all that different.

Ryan and Indy have taken a piece of my heart that can never be reclaimed. I love their love, the way they treat each other and reassure one another. The house they are making a home together <3 Their love story was absolute perfection and I am so happy I got to experience it in this book! I can't wait for the next book :)