A review by bookishblond
I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced by Delphine Minoui, Nojoud Ali


The story of Nujood Ali is indisputably important and one that needs to be told. However, after reading this book, I feel that her story could have been told in a different, more effective way. This book is written in the style of a memoir, from Nujood's perspective, even though it was clearly ghostwritten. While I recognize the benefits of telling a story from the ten-year-old heroine's point of view, this story could definitely have been explored more. I crave an in-depth analysis of Yemen's culture and society. Nujood Ali definitely deserves respect and admiration but her story also deserves to be told in a better way. This book was almost shallow and leaves an inquisitive reader longing for more.