A review by kp_hobbitreads
Like I Needed by Charlie Novak


#0.5 Like I Pictured: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#1 Like I Promised: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#2 Like I Wished: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#3 Like I Needed: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars

This was exactly what I have come to expect from a Charlie Novak story: low-angst, loveable characters, steamy interactions, and a great friend group.

Jaime is a big city playboy who is growing increasingly disenchanted with his life. So he decides to take a break, and spend some time in the English countryside to find what he really wants in life. Will is a hardworking farmer who is literally working himself into the ground to try to keep the family farm afloat. When sparks fly between the two in what was supposed to be a one night fling, they learn that maybe what they've really been needing is each other.

I really loved both Jamie and Will as main characters, and I especially loved their growth over the course of the book. Jaime had to learn to expect things of himself, and let others expect things of him too. And, Will had to learn how to depend on other people and that there is no shame is asking or accepting help. They really are a perfect match, and it was really lovely seeing them open up to each other.

Honestly, my only "issue" with this book is that Jamie and Will never use protection - not even the first time they are together. Now, yes. They do have a conversation about their testing status and that they are both on PrEP which is good. Those conversations are important, but they weren't enough in this situation for two reasons:
1. Jamie, by his own admission, will sleep with pretty much any man who is interested. We even see him setting up a threesome in the first chapter with his regular buddy as well as a waiter at the club they're hanging out at all. So even if he is getting tested regularly, it is entirely possible that he has been with 10-15+ people since his last test. And, if he is willing to have unprotected text with Will, how many of his other partners did he go without condoms with? Your last test being negative is great, but if you are regularly having unprotected sex with multiple partners, you can't guarantee that you are still negative. Also, PrEP does not protect against other STIs.
2. These two characters forgoing condoms seems wildly out of character for both of them. Jaime is a playboy, yes. But, most playboy characters (that I've read anyway) are actually really good about always using protection so the fact that he doesn't seemed off. Also, Will is supposed to be this incredibly responsible character so it also seemed that it didn't fit. If these had been two characters who had already known each other (either a second chance romance or a friends to lovers situation) it probably wouldn't have bothered me (or really even registered as an issue). Especially if they talk about how they haven't been with anyone since there last test. But, these are two strangers who know absolutely nothing about each other and both regularly engage in casual sex, and decide to take the other completely at their word and forgo condoms? Nah, I don't buy it.

While this didn't derail my enjoyment of the book, and I still really loved these characters it did throw me off for a bit. And, make me want to be able to jump into the book, chuck condoms at their foreheads and exit stage left. Haha.

Three Things:
1. "I hate it when people use being honest as a cover for being a right twat." Me too Will. Me too.
2. I really loved that there was no unnecessary drama or miscommunication - especially no third act breakup. It was two adults who had an honest conversation about their feelings.
3. I adore this friend group. And, even though I am a socially awkward introvert I think a pub night/trivia night when these guys would be a blast.

I absolutely love Alex as a character, I am so excited that we get his book next! Can't wait to see what kind of disaster situation he's gotten himself into.

content warnings: sex (on page), animal death (livestock, off page)