A review by nashwa017
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


My initial thoughts after reading the title of the book were: Do I want to read about a woman who was married seven times? I mean, how entertaining could this possibly be? Marriage, divorce, affair, marriage, affair, divorce – that was the trend that I was seeing and I was thinking do I really want to 500 pages of this? Turns out, I did and I loved it.

The story focuses on Evelyn Hugo, a famous actress from Old Hollywood who wants to tell her story as she turns 79. Everybody wants the scoop but she only wants to give her story to a journalist nobody has heard of – a certain Monique Grant. From there we ensue with her story, and once it started I could not separate myself from it.

What I really liked about this story was the complexity of the characters. Do I like Evelyn? Do I hate her? Wait, did she do these things out of choice or was she forced to? Is she as inspirational as she appears to be or was this all a fluke? The characters in this book are so layered that you never truly know why you’re reading but you can’t stop at the same time. To add another dimension to this book, Evelyn was a Latina forced to hide her true identity and she was a bisexual – so what was that about the seven husbands? Guess you’ll have to read it.

This book was loosely inspired by the old Hollywood actresses namely Elizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner. My curiosity got the better of me and I started reading up on their lives while reading the book. I may have spoiled myself a bit but my breath still caught in my throat towards the end.

Google is horrible but you’re probably smarter than me and already know that!