A review by sass_sass
Where Lightning Strikes by A.L. Jackson


Relationships are messy

Baggage, these people have a lot of baggage. Either they made mistakes and can't forgive themselves or they've been preyed upon by jerks and are having a hard time recovering...just dealing with their own issues is difficult, but then throwing in a weird relationship on top of that? Boy, it's rough.

But, sometimes you meet someone and they jump-start your life, for whatever reason. Not that it has to be a romantic awakening. It could be a friend or a mentor or whomever who forces you to face your life and deal with it. This book was all about that.

The story did drive me nuts a few times, though. I related to Tamar, but her acceptance of Lyrik being an idiot over and over again...nope. I wouldn't have had the patience to deal with his overtures. So cocky, so stupid at times. Grow up, dude. But then I remember these people are fictional and slap myself. I need to stop getting so invested in these books. They're not real people! Hahahaha

Anyway...a good read if you're into people helping each other with their bs. Now I'm on to book 4.