A review by path_through_pages
Bluebird by Sharon Cameron


I typically avoid hysterical fiction, especially novels about WWII. Growing up with Jewish heritage you are born knowing of the Holocaust and its atrocities. I tend to avoid retellings of these events since for some reason, unless the retelling is coming directly from a survivor, it feels almost commercialized which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I am not saying this book is like that at all, to the contrary I was pleasantly surprised! It is a story of internal struggles, identity crisis, personal reparations, revenge, justice, and not about a triumphant America squashing the Nazi regime (as so many of these stories typically are). Following a girl raised by high ranking Nazi officials, watching her transformation, while also seeing that no matter the shared trauma, friendships and family are never certain.
I would prefer to rate this a 3.5 if I could.
The only reason I am not giving a higher rating is when compared with other books I deeply enjoyed I cant place it in the same space, but that is PURELY the result of individual tastes as opposed to the craft of the book.