A review by showthisbooksomelove
Foreshadow: Stories to Celebrate the Magic of Reading and Writing YA by Nova Ren Suma, Emily X.R. Pan


A fascinating collection of short stories, each based around a different prompt, many of which are horror or have a large unusual twist. At the beginning of each story is a quote from a well known YA author, and at the end, the author and editor process about the story devices.

This is a good book for anyone who liked story telling. These stories are really well done, and so many of them I found to be captivating. this is also a great book for anyone looking to understand more about literary tools in story telling, or to improve their writing independently, as each story is talked through at the end.

I did really like hearing about the inspiration behind the piece at the end of each story. I hope to hear more from these authors down the road!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.