A review by antitheticaldreamgirl13
Sixth Grave on the Edge by Darynda Jones


“Sometimes I write “drink coffee” on my to-do list just to feel like I’ve accomplished something.”

I am starting to have mixed feelings about Charley and this series in general. I love the fun and fast dialogue that occurs throughout the book—it always has me laughing! However, lately, I have become tired of reading the myriad of *sexy* descriptors that occur whenever Reyes enters the scene. I fucking get it—he’s hot as Hell, can we please move the fuck on!

In order for me to still appreciate this series and love Charley Davidson, P.I. and Grim Reaper extraordinaire, we must take a break. Parting with you is such sweet sorrow, but I think it is for the best, Charley. Catch you on the flippity flip!