A review by liralen
Lie Still by Julia Heaberlin


When this book showed up on my doorstep, I briefly wondered whether I'd regret having entered/won the firstreads giveaway. I don't read a ton of mystery, and I'm trying to read more nonfiction.

Then I read the first three lines, and I was hooked.

For somebody who has regular nightmares, this was a creeptastic read -- the right level of I'm probably overreacting and genuine threat. An early mystery splits off into multiple mysteries, related but not always directly. A few characters end up being a bit caricature-y for my liking, but most were complex and unpredictable without being inconsistent.

While at times the multiple mystery strands felt like too much, I particularly appreciated the complexity of Emily's fears about her stalker / her past trauma -- something that brings up a painful history but isn't something she's initially actively afraid of; a wound that has largely healed but with a scar that will never go away; guilt that she knows does not belong to her but which she can't help but feel anyway. Mike makes for a pretty endearing hero -- not perfect, but there in the ways that matter. Ditto Emily: not perfect, but right in the ways that matter.

Pretty good for a book that made me wonder whether I should really be reading it right before I went to bed.

I received a free copy of this book via a Goodreads giveaway.