A review by imperfectcj
Henry Huggins Complete Collection by Beverly Cleary


My kids and I loved this book. We listened to it on audio going to and from flute lesson, and then we brought it inside to finish up while we ate dinner. I almost cried during the scene where Ribsy has to choose between his owners, which was silly because it's been done in so many different ways in other stories. Cleary must have done something special because it really got me.

That's how her stories always seem to me, though. Nothing exceptional happens in them, really. They're normal kids (except maybe for a motorcycle-riding mouse here and there), with normal fears and normal challenges just having normal adventures, but somehow Cleary makes them stand out.

Beverly Cleary's introduction to this audio edition was fantastic. I loved hearing her voice and learning about how she came to write this particular book. The interview at the end was good, too, but I especially liked the intro.