A review by mochagirl
The Cursed by L.A. Banks


The Cursed, ninth in the Vampire Huntress Legend series by L.A. Banks, finds Carlos, Damali, and the Guardian team returning to the battlefield waging war against The Darkness. In this episode, Lillith is elevated to Councilman replacing Cain and enlists the aid of Sebastian, Machiavelli, Medusa, Genghis Khan, Siren, and Jezebel, using their evil prowess to create a spell designed to weaken the Neturu and Guardian's confidence, trust, and libidos to the point of team implosion. She also plots to ensure Lucifer's heir, the Anti-Christ will mature to fruition. One refreshing angle in this release is that Damali and Carlos proactively (for a change) plan an attack against Lillith with the assistance of the King and Queen councils. What ensues appears to be the catalyst to Armageddon which leaves Damali and Carlos more determined that ever to rid the world of the Unnamed One and Lillith.

Old and new friends and foes also make an appearance -- we see the return of Fallon Nuit, Yonnie, a Valkryie, and a sexually transmitted demon. The team continues to roam globally with this jaunt culminating in the Middle East in the holy city of Jerusalem. Not only is it a battle site, but it serves as a much needed source for spiritual replenishment, emotional grounding, and renewed hope evidenced in the team's return to music.

Fans of the series who prefer the more action-based novels will be pleased with this offering because it seems like the team (including Damali and Carlos) have finally found a rhythm and the inner-relationship drama (and what at times seemed like endless bickering) is kept at a minimal. Everyone seems comfortable in their roles, are in tune with their "gifts," and are more focused on the tasks at hand. As one can surmise, there is a lot of action, backstabbing, and plotting to keep the pages turning. Banks does a great job staging the series for the final three installments; in fact it seems like there is no end to her creativity when blending cultures, myths, religions, and beliefs. No doubt, fans will yearn for the next release.