A review by bickie
I Color Myself Different by Eric Wilkerson, Colin Kaepernick

Love the Black boy joy and the pride young Colin displays in his Black identity. Also love the spread about brown activist figures who "inspire, create, lead, and change the world," which includes Huey Newton, Angela Davis, Toni Morrison, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Muhammad Ali, Audre Lorde, Malcolm X, Tommie Smith, and John Carlos. End notes include brief (1-2 sentence) descriptions of the people featured and why they were included.

While it is an authentic experience described by an adoptee himself, I am a little uneasy about the explanation Colin's mom gives him about adoption: "...some children join families when they are born, and others join families after they are born. When you were a baby, Colin, we decided to adopt you, and you made our family whole...adopted means special...being adopted is an extra-special way to join a family. Even though we don't share the same skin color, we share the same love. And that's what matters most."