A review by snaze6
The Maverick by Jennifer Millikin


An emotionally charged story that has authentic and well written characters who experience life in full color.

Warner’s marriage to his college sweetheart was on life support for years before his wife left him to be a single parent to their two children while he helped to manage his family’s massive cattle ranch. Warner is protective of those he loves, sexy as only a cowboy can be and a perfect example of the saying ‘still waters run deep’.

Tensley is Hollywood’s American Sweetheart and fresh off a failed relationship with a Hollywood hottie who cheated on her and was outed very publicly the tabloids. On her way driving from LA to a small town in Arizona she has car trouble and meets Warner when he stops to help.

These two characters meet again when he is asked to give her cowboy lessons for her role in the a cowboy romance movie she’s in town to film. Unfortunately, their next meetings happens as Warner’s marriage implodes completely and then he overreacts to a misunderstanding.

Their relationship has several obstacles and sudden sharp dropouts to navigate as well as some soul searching to do. This author brings a story to life that catches your attention and grips your emotions as you experience this journey along with the characters.

I received an ARC from Hidden Gems and the author, and I am voluntarily leaving a review.

I am eagerly anticipating Wyatt’s story later this year. These Hayden siblings are bold, loyal, and badass each in their own way. Wyatt has been their first each of his older brothers and comes across as a playboy, but I feel their is so much to learn about this next Hayden brother.