A review by isabellarobinson7
Fly by Night by Frances Hardinge


I couldn't scroll past this book without singing Fly by Night by Rush, so I thought I might as well read it

Rating: 4 stars

I really enjoyed this book! I read the description, and thought I could potentially have a good time reading it, and though I did doubt this in the middle, I was, overall, right. There was a chance that it could fall flat as it was listed as YA, but I didn't think it felt too YA-y at all. Well, even Google can't decide what age group this book fits into: "Fly by Night is a children's or young adults' fantasy novel by Frances Hardinge" so if Google is confused it's not just me I guess.

One of the things that really made this book for me was the authorial voice of Hardinge. She had this way of writing that I can only describe as if a mischievous smirk was words. There were so many brilliantly cheeky lines, that I just had to mention here.
“In Mosca’s experience, a ‘long story’ was always a short story someone did not want to tell.”

“If wits were pins, the man would be a veritable hedgehog.”

“ 'My dear fellow,' he continued more soberly, 'If you have managed to complicate things by forming a sentimental attachment in less than a week, then I doubt there is anything I can do for you. You, sir, are a romantic, and I'm afraid the condition is incurable.' "

“So this was a nest of radicals. She thought a hotbed of sedition would involve more gunpowder and secret handshakes, and less shuffling of feet and passing the sugar.”

I just love the vibe of this book. Will most likely be continuing with the series, and probably the author too.