A review by craigmaxwell
How to Solve a Murder: True Stories from a Life in Forensic Medicine by Pauline Tremain, Derek Tremain


The title of this book had me SO excited to read this! I love anything to do with true crime, and especially those who have actually worked behind the scenes in this niche job as most people could never do this sort of job so it’s so intriguing to read about.

There all some real stand out parts of this book, some real interesting facts when doing post-mortems that are genuinely fascinating.

If your expecting lots of case by case stories like I was I think you will be disappointed unfortunately. The title of the book gave me the expectations that we would be following several cases, going really in depth alluding to the title. There is glimpses of this, however it’s overshadowed by random tangents.

“How to Solve a Murder” reads like two books in one. One half reads like fiction the other non-fiction. I think the execution would’ve been stronger if just one angle had been picked.

The book is all about Derek and Pauline’s careers, these sections read like fiction. It reads like the authors going off on a tangent at a dinner table after a few wines and everyone is lost and a little bored.

I did enjoy but I wish there was more actually real life experiences about “How to Solve a Murder”