A review by kime
I, Witness by Niki Mackay


What I liked

* Multiple narrators. Oh yes, I love books that are written in this style. I've always found myself totally gripped when the story is told by multiple narrators and when the chapters alternate between different characters points of view. This book does that exceptionally well.

* Easy read. This is the type of book that just seems to fly by. It's such an easy read, using shortish chapters, lots of dialogue and I found the novel to be a very easy to pick up, anytime, anywhere. It was always easy to get back into the story.

* Fast pace. Although the story isn't necessarily filled with tons of action, it does move along at a good pace. I never felt bored. It was a book that made me want to get into bed at night and read.

What I didn't like

* For some reason I never found myself truly and deeply invested in the characters or the story. It felt a little superficial to me, and I never really found myself "inside" this story.

*  Far-fetched. Certain elements in this story were too far fetched to be believable. I don't want to mention specifics at this point for fear of giving anything away, but yes, I couldn't get behind all of the things that had transpired by the end.

Final thoughts

This was a good, quick, easy and entertaining read that I liked. It would make a good holiday read when you just want to be able to pick up a book and escape for a while.