A review by jaimearkin
Dark Awakening by Kendra Leigh Castle


So my BFF and I were on the hunt for a good paranormal romance series... Something we've been struggling with for a bit. With PNR it's sometimes hard to find something that is fresh and keeps you entertained. With Dark Awakening, I can honestly say I wasn't one bit disappointed. What we got was an incredible first book in a series that I hope provides more of the same.

In Dark Awakening, Tynan MacGillivray is a Cait Sith, valued only for his skills as a hunter he is basically a slave to the Ptolemy. His queen has sent him on a hunt to find a Seer so that her race can be saved. What he stumbles upon is Lily Quinn. She is more than he ever expected and the connection they immediately feel towards each other is unexplainable to them both. But Lily isn't just a Seer, and they have to find out what her bloodline is before the wrong people do.

From the Prologue alone I knew this was going to be an excellent read. It instantly grabbed me and then we immediately meet Tynan...and I was hooked. The chemistry between the Ty and Lily was perfect and the first kiss, let me just say this...


So Ty... His race is considered a lowblood, something that he has basically accepted. Instead of demanding more respect he has decided that while it's demeaning to be a servant and slave to the highbloods, it is better than being hungry and having nothing. At least in his current position he was taken care of and he would do whatever the queen asked of him in order to maintain his position, that includes bringing Lily to her.

The world that Castle has created is probably the best part of this book. The vampire society is made up of different dynasties and within each dynasty there is a separate caste that determines your lot in this life. There is plotting and backstabbing and lots of intriguing characters in this story.

Ty, he turned out to be everything I want in a book hero... strong, loyal and a little bit sweet and dirty.

He tasted her, tongue rubbing against hers in lazy strokes that deepened as Lily moved against him.

"Sweet," he whispered against her mouth. He sounded as dazed as she felt.

OR this

"Bed," Ty said hoarsely, moving with preternatural speed toward the stairs. "I want to be on you...in you..."


His gaze was hungry, so hungry. "I can't be gentle tonight, " he said. "I'm not a gentle man, Lily. You'd do better to lock me out. I want you hot and fast. I want to ride you until you scream for me."


I loved Lily, she has spent her whole life being different and keeping to herself. But she is drawn to Ty and she never fools herself into believing what they have can be more than what it is right now. She's honest and strong and gave as good as she got.

This book isn't just about romance and the eventual love story, the vampire world that Castle has created is just as intriguing and really what kept me riveted to the story. Don't get me wrong, the hot stuff was hot in this one, but there is more to it than the naughty stuff.

This series has a permanent spot on my favorites shelf after book one, and I'm hoping that book two is just as good - I peeked and it's Jaden.. *jumpy claps* I can't wait to start it!

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves paranormal romance. This has wonderful characters, excellent worldbuilding and wonderful chemistry!

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare