A review by ellianamaselli
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


review for third read:

frick, man. every time i read this book it gets better.

cinder and kai keep growing on me, both as individual characters and as an item. and while the best is still yet to come, i have no problem with our humble beginnings in new beijing.

also, the foreshadowing in this book is sanderson-level meta. i can't help but appreciate it, as i notice something more each time.


pre-review for third read

it's Christmas time.
yOu kNOw wHaT tHAt MeANs.

time for my biannual, burnout-induced speed-read of the lunar chronicles.

review for second read:

Although I originally gave this book three stars, I can now say that this is easily a 4.5-star book. I had so much fun reading it a second time, and I read it fairly quickly. I enjoyed the characters more, too… I can honestly say that I would be sad if Kai were to die (which is not at all how I felt the first time through) and I felt like I understand Cinder a lot more now… probably as a consequence of having already experienced her completed arc once.

So anyway. This is a great book. This series is one of my favorites. And I’m so so excited to continue on with it for a second time.

reviews for other books in this series

Book 1: Cinder
Book 2: Scarlet
Book 3: Cress
Book 4: Winter