A review by libralita
Super Sons Vol. 1: When I Grow Up (Rebirth) by Peter J. Tomasi


This was a really fun read! I really like the way Damien and Jon work off each other. Though, Damien is kind of annoying, I felt like it worked. I also like the interaction between the super sons and their super dads. Alfred is also great.

The story was really fun. I know a little about Amazo but I didn’t know that Lex Luther had created a Super man suit or that this Amazo virus was a thing so it was a little confusing.

I really enjoyed the art from Jorge Jimenez. He did the art for issues 1-4 and then the last issue was done by Alisson Borges which wasn’t as great as Jimenez. It was a little jarring and seeing how it was a the final issue, it was a bit jarring. Didn’t ruin it for me.

Damien disguising himself as a bus driver and teacher is weird.

Superboy: …oh god…oh god…I’m in so much trouble.

He’s my favorite.

“It’s the Teen Titans—not the Toddler Titans!”

Is that a Teen Titans Go, joke?

Lois Lane: You boys had better start talking…AND QUICK!
Alfred: Yes, I believe ditto is the operative word.

These two need to hang out, more.

Alfred: Hnn. I cannot believe my life has come to a place where I have to say this…Please step out of the Dinosaur…Buttocks.

Alfred is so done with Damien shit.

Damien: Diabolical! How would you like it if I followed you everywhere and listened in on your conversations?
Bruce: You do.

I love Batman.

Batman: Hmph.
Superman: Who do you think would win if we fought?
Batman: Me.
Superman: But I’m stronger and I can fly.
Batman: Um, me.

I think this is a good place to end this review. When I get money, I’m going to buy the next volume.