A review by mom2three
The Burn of the Underworld by Meg Xuemei X


With a name like Calamity you would think she would be a walking disaster, but you'd be wrong. She is strong, fierce, determined, true, loyal, daring, generous, and a warrior woman. She fights for who and what she believes in from the very beginning and doesn't let her fear hold her back. This is a personality trait I have come to appreciate in all of Meg's books. Her female characters aren't the typical damsel in distress, but they do like to be rescued if it's convenient for them. I love the change from wanting to be saved by the men to wanting to kick them in the teeth. It's such a realistic contradiction.
Then you have the men...While there are four mates for Calamity, you really only get know two of them very well in this one, Ash and Max. The other two, Elijah plays a small yet very sexy part, and Merlin is mostly mentioned in passing. One thing I have to say about these men is that they are all very different. They each have different ideas on how to treat Calamity, and they have different nicknames for her. I really appreciate this because it makes it easier for me to keep them separate while reading the story. I also appreciate that they are all different types of mythical/supes with unique abilities. The interactions between them are a beautiful blend of sexy, funny, and sweet, with plenty of heat. And while Calamity feels that she can trust them, and she is drawn to them on an elemental level, she doesn't shy away from standing up to them.
I am always down to read a steamy RH story, but Ms. Xuemei X delivers so much more than that. The steamy scenes just add to the exciting adventure her characters are on. There is beautiful world building, lots of battles against the evil ones, and complex characters that have tiny quirks that make them endearing and believable. Those are the things that keep me coming back for more and leave me sad when I reach the end of the book. I already know that this is going to become another series that I will read over and over again.