A review by emmkayt
El circuito interior: Una crónica de la ciudad de México by Francisco Goldman


Goldman lives part of the year in Mexico City, and he writes about it with affection and depth. He focuses on 2012-13, a time when he continued to grapple with the rawness of his grief after the death of his wife. He decides to learn to drive stick shift and to drive in the city - Mexico City’s notorious traffic having long dissuaded him. The first part of the book intersperses his (not exactly successful) efforts with other musings about life in the city and his own grief and memories. The second part of the book delves into the ‘leviton’ or disappearance of a group of young people from a nightclub, using it to explore politics and crime in the city.

Ultimately, while Goldman was unsuccessful in mastering the ‘interior circuit’ (the name of an internal highway in the city), he completes another truly interior circuit of sorts through the course of the book. I found it moving and also loved how he wrote about the city - I recognized some places I knew, and was enriched by being introduced to others in advance of a return visit.