A review by blankpagealex
The Last Kids on Earth and the Doomsday Race by Max Brallier


The latest edition of The Last Kids on Earth series has some good moments with the main characters and comic relief from new and returning side characters like Johnny Steve, Drooler, and Evie and Ghazt who have transformed into comic relief rather than chief nemesis. However, this is probably my least favorite of the series so far for a few reasons:

One, because we don't really get much back story from the main characters like we have in other books. We've gotten some good history on Jack, June, and Dirk in previous installments and I was hoping to learn more about Quint this time around. We get a little bit of character development from Evie, but she doesn't seem as important a character as our main quartet.

Second, this book didn't seem to move the plot forward in any significant way compared to the previous books. Jack learned a little bit more about the Cosmic Hand, but nothing was confirmed and he didn't perform any major acts with it. We also learned where Thrull is, though the climactic confrontation didn't lead to much. The best thing we got was a slew of new monsters to join the fight against Rezzoch's forces. The ending indicated that the next book is coming pretty quickly - Spring 2022, so hopefully some of the big questions will be answered by then.

Overall this remains one of my kids favorite series and reading them aloud together is a highlight with each new release.