A review by rrrrrocks
Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks for Me & You by Lin-Manuel Miranda


Love love LOVE this book ! I don't think it's meant to be read quickly, but it is definitely a quick read. I myself only took on this book a couple of times, stretched over months, because I wanted to have more of it for a longer time. My first idea was to read one "good morning" and one "good night" text per day - the first one as I wake up, the other one before going to sleep - but I failed incredibly.

The illustration by Jonny Sun are cute and complementary to the text and overall just makes this the perfection it is.

Now that I've read it all, that I've been lift up by Lin-Manuel Miranda, that he gave some more positivity in this world, I'll put the book back into my shelf and I know that when I'll need more softness, more goodness, more strength, it'll be there for me. I think this is what the book is for and it does a good job at that.