A review by katiemayveil
The Gem Thief by Sian Ann Bessey


Gracie is a jewelry designer for a jeweler in New York City. Quinn is the nephew of the well-to-do widow, Mrs. Katsaros, who recently had a ring custom made. that was discovered to be a forgery not long after it was made by Gracie. With a friend in the FBI the three set out to determine when and how the forgery was made. From NYC to Venice to a cruise ship bound for Greece, there is adventure, mystery, and romance.
Sian Ann Bessey does a wonderful job of describing the areas that the characters go through, as well as several things a jeweler/jewelry designer would look for and experience as they go through their work. I have read several of Bessey's books and have enjoyed all of them.
The Gem Thief is appropriate for about 16 years and older, depending on the maturity of the individual. This is a fun and relaxing read, especially if you're looking for something outside of the ordinary.