A review by kathleenguthriewoods
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott


I know, I know. After I recommended "God is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens, you’re thinking “What the heck?” What can I say? I am a complex woman! :-) In this book you’ll learn about the three kinds of prayer, as explained (genuinely) by Anne Lamott. This, in part, inspired my decision to read all of her spiritual books in chronological order this coming year.

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Re-read this in 2016, and it is among my favorites. It's one of those "small" books that packs in so much wisdom, so you take a long time reading it (this time, about six weeks) to take it all in. In many of Lamott's books, I feel like she is living in my head, and this one is no exception. So many passages "speak" to me.