A review by mimipancakes
Eye of the Ouroboros by Megan Bontrager


<i>Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-arc of this novel!</i>

I think a major issue with this book is that it's trying to do too much. I thought this was going to be a psychological horror with a cat and mouse chase through different realities. That wasn't the case at all. The first quarter of the book almost reads like literary fiction with a touch of mystery (and I mean the smallest touch, it was basically just Theo feeling bad for herself the whole time). Then, there was a random heist that took up another large chunk of the book (I genuinely have no idea why this heist happened, I was so confused the whole time). Only for the story to kind of end with a cat and mouse chase, not a particularly engaging one, but still. I just don't really know who the audience is for this book. I feel like the people who enjoy the first half aren't going to like the second half and vice versa. 
Personally, I didn't really like either half. I found it boring (I actually did kind of like Theo's ending though, that was pretty interesting). I wouldn't have even finished it if I hadn't been provided an e-arc. The description sounded so cool, but this just was not for me.