A review by gabbysreading
The Pass by Rebecca Jenshak


4.5 stars!

Honestly, could Tanner and Sydney be any more perfect for one another?! The answer is obviously no. These two are serious friendship AND couple goals.

The Pass, the fifth book in the fabulous Smart Jocks series by Rebecca Jenshak, is new adult, friends to lovers, second chance yumminess. I loved this book!! The banter, the camaraderie, the heat factor, it all worked so effortlessly. The Pass is the kind of book that makes you feel good while reading and leaves you with the biggest smile after. I was in a pretty bad slump prior to reading this. Mostly because I had read too many emotionally draining books beforehand. This book is the perfect palate cleanser. You'll laugh. You'll swoon. You won't want to put it down. Prepare to fall hopelessly in love with both Sydney and Tanner.

The Smart Jocks series is one of my all time new adult favorites. Book by book, it just gets better and better. The Pass is such a fantastic addition.