A review by enchantressofbooks
Vanilla on Top by C.J. Ellisson


I really enjoyed and like "Vanilla On Top". Its an interesting story of a woman coming into her own and finally knowing her self worth and taking charge of her own life!

The first chapter truly sets the pace and things progress rather quickly. I will admit (because I'm honest) that at first Heather was getting to me (not in a good way) as she seemed to be the whiny type and honestly, I was thinking "Not again"! Not another heroine who thinks she's ugly and unlovable when she's hot and gorgeous and every guy wants her. THANKFULLY, this isn't one of those stories!! Whew! This is about learning that you own your own destiny and that if you believe that you are smart, sexy and desirable, that is what you're putting forth into the universe and that's what will attract others to you! Heather is smart and beautiful, but she's always thinking otherwise and allows others to ping pong her around or she even goes as far as pushing the men she's dated out of her life because "Why would they want to stay w/ little old me? I'm nothing!" (insert rolling of eyes). We've heard the saying "Fake it til you make it", well here is a perfect example of how that works! Heather may be "pretending" to be someone she's not; someone who is confident, knows she's sexy, will tell the man what she wants and how she wants to be pleasured, but while she thinks she's pretending she's learning that she CAN be "that woman" and finds her true self.

Tony is sexy, smooth and well, known as a play boy. He's tired of being the one in charge and providing everything, both at work and in his personal life. Co-workers ride his success and the women he's dated want him to pay for everything from the dinner check to the bills. Imagine his surprise when he meets Heather! She's in complete control of her life, she's successful and in charge of her sexuality. Completely mesmerized and smitten with her.

Can she learn to be this assertive women that she has portrayed thus far?

A great read with a wonderful story and wow talk about hot and steamy scenes!! HOT!!

Stop by my blog for an excerpt and additional information!

This and other reviews available at Viviana, Enchantress of Books