A review by aleveskerdottir
How to Hug a Porcupine: Easy Ways to Love the Difficult People in Your Life by


The one thing I take away from this book is that a baby porcupine is called porcupette. How cute is that!

This book is co-dependency central.  It is simplistic and common sense advice on how not to trigger the « porcupine » or « porcupette » in your life.  I had high expectations for this book but I feel let down.  This would be more relevant as Keynote handout for an workshop than a book.

There are several spelling mistakes and typos.  What is most annoying is that the author chose to use « she or he » instead of a more generic pronoun like « they, their, theirs and them » and constantly switch between « he » and « she » from paragraph to paragraph making it confusing.