A review by cala_p
Obsession by K. Loraine, Meg Anne


4.5 stars rounded up to 5 because this book was crack.

In my Romance Invades The Canadian Rockies TBR tour, I had a different author lined up but opted to read this series instead and I am so happy I did! This book was addicting.

Easy to read, it sucked me right in. It’s the academy PNR we all love, with many kinds of creatures. A why-choose involving two vampires, a shifter, and a demigod that is a slow development, and a FMC wolf shifter who hasn’t come into her wolf yet.

First, what I didn’t like and why this wasn’t an instant 5 star for me:
Kingston, the wolf shifter she was fated to be mated to. In the past, pre-book, Sunday rejected Kingston because she couldn’t shift. I think. That was my comprehension of it. He might have later made some bad choices, and even a couple throughout the novel but he continued making amends, and quite honestly, sold me. Because everytime we got his POV, my heart broke for him. Sunday continues to reject him, even when he’s trying to be nice, even when offering her a dance, for no reason! Based on the synopsis of book 2 it seems like some of this starts getting resolved which is good. Kingston’s my man and I just feel so bad for him.

The other thing I was eh about was the pace of the romances. I felt it switched very fast to them all being attracted to her and feeling each of their own mating connection to her (which fair; mate connections often = insta romance), but from her side, she was keeping everyone at bay for her own reasons and pacing, and then boom, is with Thorne all of a sudden. Which was strange. He disappears, returns, and she accepts his whole thing quite quickly. Even at the end. It’s like she’s confused about her attraction and care for all the guys but flip flops in her decision making.

Now, everything else, I did like:

Kingston, as I mentioned. I feel for him.
Thorne. He’s a vampire. Dark, delicious. YES. A bit insta-lovey at parts with him but the man knows what he wants.
Alek. Oh, sweet Alek. That man is the heart of the group.
Caleb. I’m iffy about him. Their interactions are quite steamy. His entire character is slow to warm up for me. The mouth on that man though!
And Sunday. Other than her mood swings about her wolf mate, she’s strong. Fights back. Doesn’t feel the need to “choose” one guy. From the get go, accepts her attraction to all four of them.

The plot is very introductory in this one but definitely seems to be picking up and I’m quite interested. The romances for each of them seem to be going building. I really hope for group scenes soon. I am enjoying how, after a while, they seem to be accepting they’re all there with her. No fighting. It’s nice. I wish the spice scenes were a bit more detailed, but maybe we’re working up to that.

I’ve heard the audiobooks of these are quite something and since this is such an easy book, I suspect they’ll be easy to listen to as well. The authors threw in some characters with accents here, which I loved, so no doubt, the full cast of voices is something else!

Despite the two small things that bugged me, I fell right into this series and it’s been consuming my mind. Can’t wait to begin book 2!