A review by fleaing
Forgotten Toys by Ashley Laino


It took me a little while to get into this but once Chloe went missing that’s when it picked up for me!

The whole story follows Sarah as she tries to figure out what has happened to her sister, but alongside this there were much deeper issues that ran through the book. Both Sarah and her sister Chloe have led a troubled life, their mother is cruel and throughout the book you see how she treats Sarah from emotional right up to physical abuse. I felt so sorry for Sarah as not only does she have to deal with her mother and worry about her missing sister but she also suffers from an eating disorder.

I think the author deals with all these subjects really well and you can really see how much turmoil Sarah is in and how she hates her body. This might make her weak physically but she’s a strong character, never giving up on her sister.

I would have liked more background on her mother as the relationship between her and Sarah was so interesting and I would have liked to explore it a little more.

I must say that the bulk of the book did lack action, it was more hunting for clues and wasn’t that fast paced but the last few chapters when we learn where Chloe is were fantastic. They had my heart racing and they were pretty gruesome too! I also liked that not only did the mystery of her missing sister get resolved at the end, but the issue with her eating disorder was also dealt with and handled with care.

This isn’t just a book about a murder, it delves deep into how peoples lives are not always how they seem. Everyone is suffering or broken and trying to hide this from the outside world when all they really need is some help, but is it always the right help?!

Overall it’s a steady paced murder mystery / thriller with some emotional subjects at its core.